Naoki Fukuta

College of Informatics, Academic Institute
Shizuoka University

I received B.E. and M.E. from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 1997 and 1999 respectively. I received Doctor of Engineering from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2002. Since Apr. 2002, I had been working as a research associate at Shizuoka University. Since Apr.2007, I had been working as an assistant professor. Since Apr. 2015, I had been working as an associate professor. Since Apr. 2023, I have been working as a professor.

My main research interests include Multi-agetn Systems, Mobile Agents, E-commerce, Applications on Auction Mechanisms, SemanticWeb, Knowledge-based Software Engineering, Logic Programming, and WWW-based Intelligent Agent Systems.

I am a member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), IEEE-CS(IEEE Computer Society), JSAI (Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan), IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers), JSSST (Japan Society of Software Science and Technology), and ISSJ(Information Systems Society of Japan).

e-mail: fukuta (at)

Japanese page is here.

List of Publications(link)

Lab Members (2024)

  PhD Students(D3)

    Ihsan Ibrahim

  PhD Students(D2)

    Yuto Kuguminato

  Master Students(M2)

    Iftekhar Ahamad
    Suma Saathvika Duddela
    MD Sabbir Hossain
    Tomoya Mizutani

  Master Students(M1)

    Hassan Tufik Iman
    MD Ashifujjman Rafi
    Hiroki Kawabata
    Haruhiro Takahashi

  Undergraduate Students(B4)

    Shun Ozaki
    Tomoaki Ishiguro
    Takaya Kanamori
    Gento Taniguchi
    Yoko Yamashita

Keynote and Invited Talks

Professional Activities

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